EMANATION 2019 displayed April 2, 2019 – December 31, 2019
in the Museum of American Glass
Emanation 2019 was the third exhibition of contemporary art featuring new works developed and created by artists invited to utilize the resources and facilities at WheatonArts for experiment based exploration. The results were displayed with an emphasis on each artist’s creative process. As the site of creation, as well as the site of exhibition and related education programs, WheatonArts facilitates collaboration and partnerships with artists in a creative sanctuary that enables new ideas to emanate forth.
2019 Participating Artists:
To view photos from the exhibition, Click Here.
To View the Phantom Frequencies Performance Video by Martha McDonald and Laura Baird,
Click Here.
For Webcam Recordings and Photos of Richard Torchia’s Large-scale Kaleidoscope, Grrndr,
Click Here.
Image right: Phantom Frequencies 6/2/19 performance, Emanation 2019, photo by Ryan Collerd.

Letter from Emanation 2019’s Curator
When I first visited Wheaton Arts and Cultural Center, I was captivated, puzzled, and delighted. What was this place, with its faux Victorian buildings and cutesy shoppes? And the museum – who puts red flocked wallpaper in a museum? And when I visited the studio I was overwhelmed at the scale and elegance of the structure. It was noisy and dangerous. I was nervous and tentative. I was invited to blow something. I was terrified.
When I was invited to curate one of WheatonArts’ Emanation exhibitions, I jumped at the chance. I had curated one exhibition of glass art decades before. They were all glass artists of some reputation. Generally I like to reach out to artists who are not medium specific and who would embrace the opportunity to work in a new medium and welcome the challenge.
The artists in this iteration of Emanation have not previously worked in glass, but are creative thinkers and problem solvers, who have embraced the opportunity to experiment in a new medium. They are up to the task and open to collaboration. Hot glass is dangerous, and working with this medium requires a knowledge and particular set of skills that has been developed over centuries. The artists in the studio who will be collaborating with the Emanation artists have these skills and are adept in translating the artists’ ideas from drawings or written descriptions to the sculpture conceived by the artists.
~Julie Courtney, Curator

To read the Emanation 2019 Press Release, Click Here.
For the Emanation 2019 Press Kit, Click Here.
Support for the Emanation 2019 exhibition in the Museum of American Glass comes from: The Judy and Peter Leone Foundation, New Jersey State Council on the Arts, National Endowment for the Arts, The Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation, New Jersey Division of Travel and Tourism, Robert M. Minkoff, Ameline Pappas, Peter and Audrey Denton, Bank of America, Art Alliance for Contemporary Glass.
Click the links below to see more Emanation Projects: