Sandra DeClerck

Sandra DeClerck

After having completed a seven-year course in Monumental and Plastic Arts at the St. Lucas Institute (Gent, Belgium), DeClerck continued to learn more about glass as a material by working with prominent artists worldwide. Ever since the beginning of her artistic career in 1993, she has been specializing in the narrative and expressive possibilities of glass. DeClerck uses a wide range of glass techniques – such as stained glass, blown glass, kiln casted glass and pate de verre – to express her ideas. In her approach, she attempts more and more to allow this medium to have a greater autonomy, apart from utilitarian or decorative ends. She recycles ancient old techniques to process and revitalize contemporary themes. DeClerck uses the anachronistic confusion as a character style which she substantively continued in her latest work.

DeClerck is the head of the Ika glass department at the Institute of Arts and Crafts in Mechelen and in recent years has been a curator of glass exhibitions in museums throughout Europe. Her work is represented in private and museum collections around the world.