Hope Rovelto

Hope Rovelto

Hope Rovelto serves many roles at the University of the Arts in Philadelphia.  She currently serves as the Shop Supervisor in Ceramics in the Crafts Department.  She also co-teaches the mold making and casting class with Larry Donahue within the Ceramics Department, while concurrently teaching in the Professional Institute for Educators.  In addition to her teaching at UArts, she also teaches ceramics and Art Appreciation at Cumberland Community College in Vineland, NJ. Hope earned her BFA in sculpture from Maine College of Art and her MFA in Ceramic, from the Rochester Institute of Technology, School for American Crafts in Rochester, NY.

Hope has participated and taught at various residencies around the country including Watershed Center for Ceramic Arts in ME, Haystack Mountain School of Crafts ME, Penland School of Crafts, NC, Arrowmont School of Art and Crafts, TN and OX Bow, MI. She has also acted as visiting artist Kansas University, KS and apprenticed at Moravian Pottery &Tile Works, PA.   In 2008-09, Hope received the Wind Challenged Award from the Fleisher Art Memorial, an award that includes an honorarium and three person/solo art show.  Hope actively exhibits her work in and around Philadelphia, and most recently was awarded a prestigious grant from The Belvedere Foundation in Maine.