2017 Creative Glass Center of America (CGCA) Fellow, Mark Kobasz is creating a public art work called “Memory Objects.”
“Memory Objects” will be a public artwork that is a collection of objects that invoke a precious memory. This collaborative, community-based project will be an opportunity for an interactive experience during the Festival of Fine Craft on October 7 & 8, 2017.
Below is his invitation to the public to participate in this project.
Ojects tell stories.
We all have objects that hold memories of someone, some place, or some time.
Objects also say something about how we became the people we are.
Share your object – describe it, draw it, send me a picture.
If you want to, share the meaning it has for you.
My memory object is a hammer.
It was the first tool my grandfather got when he came to America, and he gave it to me when I had my first studio. I remember the skills he shared with me and his love of building that I share.
Help me to create an installation of many memory objects.
We will recreate our memory objects in glass – cast glass, painted glass, cut glass.
They will become part of an installation/sculpture called “Memory Objects.”
Do you want to cherish your memory, free your memory, share your memory?
Is there an object you’ve kept, even though you don’t know why?
Is there an object from your past that continues to intrigue you?
It can be just about anything: a letter, a vase, a book, a poem, a map, an heirloom, a chair, a tool, a house (draw it!), a toy, a table, an instrument, a cup, a plate, a piece of fruit, a figurine, a photograph, a piece of jewelry – any and everything works!
Use a card to share your memory object, whether in words or drawing and put it in the box. Or, send a picture to memoryobject2017@gmail.com. Remember to add a line about what the object means to you.
Bring your memory objects, documents, photos, etc. to the Glass Studio during the Festival of Fine Craft on October 7 & 8. We will either make an impression of the object, scan or photograph the items. Items do not have to be left!
Please call or register online to let us know that you will be participating during the Festival of Fine Craft*, (856) 825- 6800, ext. 106.
Follow the project on Instagram @memoryobject2017 and tag your #memoryobject2017
Send a note to memoryobject2017@gmail.com to be put on the mailing list.
— Mark Kobasz, CGCA Fellowship Artist
Please note there is an admission charge to enter the grounds during the Festival of Fine Craft. Learn more here.