Emanation 2019: Meet the Artists

Three images from Emanation 2019. From left to right, Karyn Olivier, Museum Midden (left), Martha McDonald and Laura Baird, Phantom Frequences, 6-2-19 performance 3, by Ryan Collerd (center), and Jo Yarrington, Uranium Games detail(right).

Emanation 2019: Meet the Artists

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Join us at WheatonArts as we celebrate our current exhibition, Emanation 2019The afternoon will be filled with hands-on activities that encourage creative learning, demonstrations of how the artworks were made in our Glass Studio, informal gallery talks by the curator and exhibiting artists, and a return performance of Phantom Frequencies by Martha McDonald and Laura Baird.

Schedule of Events: 

1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Artist Demonstrations in the WheatonArts Glass Studio
Watch demonstrations by Emanation artists in the Glass Studio! The Emanation project invited artists to utilize the resources and facilities at WheatonArts for experiment-based exploration. Join artists that participated in the project in the WheatonArts Glass Studio as they work with Studio Manager Skitch Manion to demonstrate how they approached incorporating glass into their practice.

1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Family Activity Stations in the Brownstone
Enjoy expanded activity stations where you can have a hands-on learning experience about creativity and art.

1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Meet Artist Jo Yarrington at the School House
Jo Yarrington will be available to interact with guests at the 1876 School House, the site of her installation Uranium Game.

2:30 p.m. to 4 p.m. Curator’s Tour with Julie Courtney
Join us for a special tour with the curator of Emanation 2019, Julie Courtney. Julie will guide you through the exhibition and share her vision for working with WheatonArts on the Emanation project. Julie will be making a stop at each installation for an informal conversation with the participating artists. Tour starts at the School House then moves to the Museum.

4:15 p.m. to 4:45 p.m. Phantom Frequencies Performance by Martha McDonald & Laura Baird
Martha McDonald and Laura Baird return to perform Phantom Frequencies, featuring glass instruments created in the WheatonArts Glass Studio and inspired by the historic glass objects in the Museum of American Glass collection. The performance explores the myriad ways glass can speak in a dialogue between the ghosts of WheatonArts past and the glass of some imagined future.

And for our invited guests…

5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Emanation 2019 Cocktail Reception – invitation only!
We ask our invited guests to conclude their afternoon at WheatonArts by joining us in the Museum of American Glass for a cocktail reception with the Emanation 2019 artists and curator. Mingle with the artists as we serve wine, beer, and light hors’devours