Tess McGuire Hatmaker

Tess McGuire Hatmaker

Tess McGuire Hatmaker
Little River, CA

Growing up in Switzerland, I was fortunate to follow a long tradition of hand work. I began knitting around the age of six with the help of my mother, a lifelong knitter and seamstress herself. I discovered felting (or fulling, as the technical term for felting knitted garments is known) in the washing machine when I came across a felted hat in a yarn shop about twenty years ago. I was fascinated by the process, which involves hot water, soap, and friction to turn a loosely knit fabric into a warm, solid, and virtually waterproof garment. I have been experimenting with different shapes and colors ever since.

The embellishments are often inspired by happy finds in discount fabric shops. After several years of making hats for family and friends, I started doing art fairs. Through branching out into wholesale, consignment, and an online presence, I have been able to support myself for almost twenty years. Based in California, I sell my hats at shows all over the country.