Scrape Painting

Scrape Painting

Celebrate the act of art-making by producing a bold & effortless abstract scrape painting. Only a few materials are needed, and the entire family can join in the fun!


  • Heavy Weight Paper
  • Acrylic Paint
  • Cardboard (4″ x4″)
  • Paintbrush
  • Scissors
  • Painter’s Tape

Step 1: Prepare the paper by painting a base color using a paintbrush. The base can be multiple colors, a single color, or the paper can be left bare without paint. 

Step 2: While waiting for the base color to dry, create a stencil from a piece of heavy-weight paper by cutting out a silhouette with scissors. 

Step 3: Once the base is fully dry, use painter’s tape to secure the edges of the stencil onto the paper. 

Step 4: Place drops of paint on one side of the stencil. Arrange the drops of color in any order you want. 

Step 5: Gently lay the edge of a piece of cardboard, your “scraper,” onto the stencil just above the dots of paint. Drag it downwards and wiggle it slightly from side to side. Continue until the area within the stencil is covered or when it looks finished.

Step 6: Carefully remove the painter’s tape and pull up the stencil. Let the artwork dry, and enjoy your bold new piece of art!

Ideas to take your scrape painting to the next level: 

  • Experiment with texture. What happens when you add glitter or beads to the piece? 
  • Try this painting technique without a stencil. 
  • Sketch or paint a design on top of the paint after the piece dries.
  • Scrape paint onto a bigger piece of paper and use it as gift wrap.

Learning and Discussion Questions:

1. What makes a painting abstract? Learn about the concept here.

2. How was color first incorporated into art? Read this Artsy article to find out!

Thank you to our sponsor, PNC Arts Alive!, for helping to make this video possible!

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