Scott Manns

Scott Manns

Seaside GlassWorks 
Villas, NJ

The ocean has always inspired me and my artwork. My fascination with glass started as a child when I would collect sea glass on the shorelines of Rehoboth beach. This memory has always stuck with me and has propelled me to discover as much as I can about glass as a material to work with. This led me to take glass blowing workshops in 2009-10 at WheatonArts in Millville, NJ, and then to pursue and receive an AFA degree in Glass Art: Applied Craft and Design in 2013 at Salem Community College. Now I work between my home studio in the Villas where my wife and I reside to create my glasswork, using the ocean and local beaches for inspiration for my art pieces.

One childhood memory can spark “the love of all things glass.”