Pine Cone Ornaments
Need a fun, easy, and inexpensive way to decorate your home this season? Handmade pine cone ornaments are the answer! Use our tutorial to create three pine cone ornament variations: a gnome, a reindeer, and a tree. Let us know where your pine cone creativity leads you next!

- Pine Cones
- Assorted Felt Sheets
- Hot Glue/Craft Glue
- White Paint
- Paintbrush
- Colored Cord
- Scissors
- Small Wooden Beads
- Googly Eyes
- Assorted Mini Pom-Poms
Gnome Ornament
Step 1: Begin by turning a pine cone upside down and paint the outer tips with white paint. Allow the paint to dry.
Step 2: While the paint dries, cut a triangular shape out of a piece of felt to become the gnome’s hat.
Step 3: Wrap the wide end of the triangle around the base of the pine cone, forming a cone-shaped hat. Secure with craft glue or hot glue. Glue the seam. Scrunch the hat and secure the folds with a drop of glue.
Step 4: Glue a pom-pom to the top of the hat.
Step 5: Glue a small wooden bead directly under the hat to create the gnome’s nose.
Step 6: Cut a short piece of colored craft cord. Tie the two ends together to make a loop. Apply hot glue to the pine cone and place the tied end of the loop into the glue.
Reindeer Ornament
Step 1: First, create the reindeer’s nose by securing a pom pom to the top of the pine cone with hot glue.
Step 2: Add googly eyes onto the end of two pine cone scales towards the middle of the cone.
Step 3: Cut two ear-shapes out of a piece of brown felt. Secure the ears near the back of the pine cone using hot glue.
Step 4: Cut a piece of colored cord. Tie the two ends together to create a loop. Glue the tied end between two rows of pine cone scales.
Tree Ornament
Step 1: Use hot glue to add mini pom poms to the tips of the pine cone scales.
Step 2: Add a larger pom to the top of the pine cone.
Step 3: Tie a cord around the top of the pine cone. Tie the ends together to create a loop.
Next level pine cone ornament ideas:
- String the ornaments together to make a pinecone garland.
- Glue your completed ornaments together in a circular form to create a fun wreath.
Learning and Discussion Questions:
1. Pine cones are fascinating natural objects. Learn more about pine cones by using these worksheets from Super Star Worksheets.
2. Did you know dinosaurs liked to eat pine cones? Did you know that children in Scandinavia use pine cones to make toys? Read this article on to learn more fun facts about pine cones!
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