Lauren Cichoski

Lauren Cichoski

Williamstown, NJ


Hi, I’m Lauren and I’m the artist behind Litpottery. I am an art educator, and I have been teaching art for 18 years. I was assigned to teach Pottery in 2010, and I had little experience with the medium. It was literally baptism by fire. I entered the world of potter’s wheels, manual kilns, and glazing and oh boy was it overwhelming! I figured it out as I went along, and I fell in love with it. There was trial, error, failure, and victories and I found myself always having fun with the material.

In 2018, I decided to give teaching a backseat and nurture the drive to create full-time. Litpottery was born. I started by creating teapots from literature, then I created Raku for a time, and now I own my studio equipment in my home creating whatever comes to mind. I am currently teaching full-time at a local NJ high school, and I make pots for my in-person and online shows. It is the perfect blend of life. Thank you for reading.