Themes Across Cultures

april, 2021

apr10:00 amThemes Across Cultures

A banner for Themes Across Cultures. Three images, from left to right: “Ancestors” Mexican Mask, artist unknown, Mayan, Yucatan. Carved and painted colorín wood. Collection of Magdalena Hinkova (left). “Krishna” (Avatar of Vishnu), Indian woodcarving, mid 18th c. Depicts deity of love, tenderness. Collection of Frederick Kramer (center). “Star of Davut” Doily, Ylvia Asal, 2002. Anatolian needle lace; floral motif (right).


Event Details

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Themes Across Cultures
Down Jersey Folklife Center

In this exhibit, explore commonly shared topics among South Jersey cultures such as beliefs, stories, legends, ritual, regional, and occupational traditions. Interpreted through objects, archives, and educational programs are three major themes: 1. Becoming Someone Else – the use of masks in ritual and celebrations of various cultures; 2. Learning from a Master – folk art apprenticeships in South Jersey; and 3. Behind the Story – exploring legends, stories, and beliefs among the diverse communities of our region.


Month Long Event (april)