Cheryl Bower

  • Cheryl Bower

    Cheryl Bower

  • Cheryl Bower

    Cheryl Bower

  • Cheryl Bower

    Cheryl Bower

  • Cheryl Bower

    Cheryl Bower

  • Cheryl Bower

    Cheryl Bower

Cheryl Bower

Cheryl ‘B’ Good Glassworks
Hughesville, PA

I started working in glass after I retired. I have always been interested in glass-first seeing glass blowing in Detroit when I was little. I have tried some glass blowing but had to go to a smaller scale that I could do at my own studio at home. I work mostly with flame working-a process of using a torch, rods of glass and tubing. I like to do implosions-a process of drawing a design on the flat side of the glass and pushing it up into the glass slowly. I make a lot of flowers in my pendants as I have always enjoyed flowers and also have many flower gardens at my home also. Some of the items I make are pendants, paperweights, marbles, wine toppers, flower clusters, beads and small figures. I also blow ornaments and vases using tubing, frit, and colored glass. The glass is then annealed and put together if necessary.