Broken Pot Fairy Home

Broken Pot Fairy Home

Create an enchanting broken pot fairy home to add to your collection of house plants or garden. Broken Pot Fairy Homes are tiny potted gardens filled with small succulent plants and decorative arrangements.


  • Terra Cotta Pot with Saucer
  • Small Hammer or Mallet
  • Gloves 
  • Safety Glasses
  • Towel
  • Sticks
  • Glass Gems
  • Moss
  • Potting Soil
  • Succulent Plants
  • DAP or Hot Glue
  • Decorative Accessories

Step 1: Prepare to break the terra cotta pot by wearing gloves & safety glasses. Using a cracked pot from your collection or a new pot, place a towel on the work surface and inside the pot. Using a small hammer, gently tap on the pot to create a small crack. When a crack forms, gently tap on another section of the pot where you want the crack to end. Continue gently tapping to encourage the crack to open. 

Step 2: Remove the broken shard from the pot and put it aside to be used later. 

Step 3: Use hot glue to attach natural objects (sticks & stones) and store-bought items (glass gems & decorative moss) to the pot’s exterior. Give special attention to the broken edges of the pot. Adding moss or stones to these edges creates a visually appealing transition from the pot to the soil. 

Step 4: Add soil to the pot in small portions. 

Step 5: Use the saved shard to add a terraced level to the pot. Continue to fill the pot with soil to secure the shard in its place.

Step 6: Add succulent plants to the levels. Keep in mind that the plants will grow. Allow room for growth between the plants. 

Step 7: Add decorative elements, such as plastic or ceramic houses or landscape elements. Play with the arrangement until your fairy vision is achieved. 

Step 8: Add a saucer underneath the pot. Add loose pottery shards and glass gems to the saucer to add aesthetic value and space for drainage.

Step 9: Water all terraced levels of the arrangement. 

Ideas to take your fairy home to the next level:

  • Create a small village of fairy homes for your garden or indoor window shelf. 
  • Add crystals to your broken pot fairy home to give it extra sparkle. 

Learning and Discussion Questions:

1. Looking for inspiration? Discover the Philadelphia Flower Show! The Philadelphia Flower Show was the very first public flower show in America and showcases an overwhelming amount of art-inspired floral arrangements & horticulturally inspired art. To see an informal walk-through, visit the Living for the City YouTube Channel and enjoy Charisse’s perspective of the show! 

2. Horticultural arranging is present in a variety of cultures. Ikebana International is a worldwide nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting and appreciating ikebana. Ikebana is the centuries-old Japanese art of arranging flowers. The practice roughly translates to “making flowers come alive.” It uses carefully selected blossoms, greenery, and other flora to convey a specific feeling or emotion to an observer – just as a painting or sculpture might.

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