Aya Oki


Aya Oki

Aya Oki

Aya Oki was born in Osaka, Japan and is currently living in Rochester, NY. She completed her M.F.A. in glass under the supervision of Peter Ivy at the Aichi University of Education in 2008. While studying in Japan she participated in several glass workshops which were taught by visiting glass artists such as Jon de Wit, Einar and Jamex de la Torre and Bruce Chao. After meeting these glass artists and having experienced American glass art, Aya’s perception of the expressive range of glass art diversified. She gained an interest in international exchanges in art and her enthusiasm for American glass art deepened.

Aya worked as a teaching assistant for Peter Ivy at the Pilchuck Glass School in 2006. In 2008, she returned to Pilchuck to work with Judy Hill and Susan Holland-Reed. Aya then came to the California State University, San Bernardino to work with Katherine Gray in 2010. Later she transferred to Rochester Institute of Technology to work with Michael Rogers and Robin Cass and work on her M.F.A. in glass.

“For a student, as well as a potential educator in the future, this is a precious opportunity. The connections I can make at this fellowship will expand not only my knowledge of the subject but my ability to succeed in this field. As a glass artist this fellowship relates to me in every way. Working with glass is a process which is an ongoing conversation I relish as I bring to light the creative force I experience through working with glass.”