Music of Argentina ~ Traditional & Contemporary Perspectives
with Carlos Pavan
Watch the recording from Nov. 18, 2021 above
Join us for a narrated concert and conversation with internationally known musician and composer Carlos Pavan to explore a new approach to classical guitar. In his music, Pavan combines Argentine tango and folk dance rhythms with jazz harmonies and classical techniques. It results in unique musical bridges between traditional musical genres of his native country, American Jazz, and past European masters. Pavan’s compositions cover a broad range of styles and moods while conveying his Argentine cultural heritage’s messages, aesthetics, and emotions.
Música Argentina ~ Perspectivas Tradicionales y Contemporáneas
cómo Carlos Pavan
18 de noviembre de 2021, 6 p.m.
Únase a nosotros para un concierto narrado y una conversación con el músico y compositor de fama internacional Carlos Pavan para explorar un nuevo enfoque de la guitarra clásica. En su música Carlos Pavan combina ritmos de tango y danzas folclóricas argentinas con armonías de jazz y técnicas y formas clásicas creando así puentes musicales únicos entre los géneros musicales tradicionales de su país natal, el jazz americano y algunos de los maestros europeos. Las composiciones de Pavan cubren una amplia gama de estilos y estados de ánimo al tiempo y a la vez transmiten mensajes, estéticas y emociones de su herencia cultural argentina.
This event is part of “Wheaton Conversations,” a virtual series highlighting select & diverse artists with ties to WheatonArts. To see the full schedule of conversations, Click Here.

Described with “Striking music and great originality” from renowned Classical Guitar Magazine, Carlos Pavan (born in Argentina and living in New York since 2000) is a new wave of modern classical guitar composers. A mix of tradition and influences, versatile and original—he combines Tango/Folklore rhythms from his native country with jazz harmonies and classical technique/forms. He is a former student of legendary Jorge Morel, Dave Smey (Brooklyn Conservatory), and Pablo Ziegler (A. Piazzolla’s pianist). Carlos has performed internationally in France, Canada, Portugal, Ireland, Japan and recorded three albums with his compositions, including special guest contemporary string quartet PUBLIQuartet (Carnegie Hall debut 2015). “Mr. Pavan worships at the altar of originality while remaining true to his Argentinean roots” (The World Music Report). At the moment, he is the artistic director/composer of the Park Slope Chamber Players with a new album released by legendary Centaur Records. “a daring harmonic language” Fanfare Magazine.