An Epistle of Resilience

Traveling Exhibition, Summer-Fall, 2016

The earthquake that devastated Haiti in 2010 and its aftermath has been the subject of media blitzes, community discourse and political commentary, including every voice but one; the youth of Haiti. The population who will become the leaders of the country’s future hasn’t been formally heard and their point view, because they are children, is absolutely a valid one.

Through the eyes of Haiti’s youngest artists ages 6 – 17, the students of Art Creation Foundation for Children, a pacifist arts organization and safe house for the well-being and empowerment of primarily children and young adults with families in severe poverty, we are afforded a window into their first hand accounts in poignant visual poetry, which illustrates brilliantly the unstoppable spirit of their people. For Haiti, art itself is nourishment; socially, politically and spiritually as well as vital means of expression allowing the voice of the people to be heard. The astonishing beauty of works by such young artists speak volumes.

This traveling exhibition will be featured at local libraries throughout Cumberland County Dates to be announced in Summer & Fall, 2016